Thank you so much for this much needed Web site and for disseminating important information about this issue.
I read both of James' articles in Satya (Sept. and Oct. 2006) and have referred many people to them.
I have been an animal rights advocate for many years and for the past few years have done a great deal of tabling. Sadly, in recent years, many people approach our tables and tell me that they only eat happy meat. Some even say that they used to be a vegetarian but now feel comfortable eating happy meat or consuming eggs and milk from happy hens and cows.
So, thank you again for gathering this impressive group of activists to work on exposing this myth.
I just ordered some of your tri-fold leaflets (and a t-shirt) and will definitely do my best to spread the word. My husband and I own an independent video rental store and we have a collection of animal rights films that we lend out for free. Of course we have the Witness and Peaceable Kingdom and plan to order the new one when it is available.
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